Unbelievably, there have been studies on the influence of coffee on the brain when gambling. As everybody knows, coffee has caffeine, and people might believe this would count as an immediate plus when gambling and having to be sharp. But apparently, there is more to it than that. When you want to enjoy online gambling late into the night, and there is not much skill involved, like placing some bets on a new bet site, coffee will help you stay awake. For this, we will list drinking coffee as an advantage when gambling because you can stay up later. Cons Studies by the universities ofRead More →

The debate on coffee’s origin roams somewhere between the goat herder, Kaldi, and the Ethiopian plateau, but what is clear is that coffee drinking started in Yemen. But, disregarding its origin, coffee is a globally preferred beverage, and coffee shops stock up on what they believe to be the best coffee beans. Mocha Java Who hasn’t heard of the well-known coffee bean called Mocha Java? But did you know it was a blend that happened by chance? As the creators of coffee, we have to trust the citizens of Yemen to have a good bean, but when the Arabian Mocha mixed with the Indonesian JavaRead More →

At the top of an 800ft hill, 790 feet above sea level, lies an old English town with an exciting trade heritage going back as far as 987AD. The town’s heritage buildings, built with limestone from local quarries, lend to the site’s historic feel. Old Norman Lords recognised the town, translated as ‘holy place on a hill’, as a good location for trade due to the junction of eight roads that includes the Roman Fosse Road. And it was a good call, as the famous market square in Stow-on-the-Wold would trade in up to 20,000 sheep on market days. The market has been open sinceRead More →